Add title easily by iMovie for iOS

add captions by iMovie for iOS

You can easily add a title on the movie by iMovie for iOS(iPhone / iPad) .

add captions by iMovie for iOS
Tap the videoclip you want to add a title.

add captions by iMovie for iOS
Tap the “T” shaped button that appears at the bottom.

add captions by iMovie for iOS
List of the style of the caption appears.
Tap the one you like.
Prism, Gravity, Reveal, Line Title, Expand, Focus and Pop-up makes your video cool.

add captions by iMovie for iOS
My favorite style is Line Title.
Tap it then a text field appears.

add captions by iMovie for iOS
Type the text.
Line Text enables you to input text on above and below.

add captions by iMovie for iOS
If you tap “Lower” button below, title moves to the lower right.
Moving position differs depending on the style you choose.

add captions by iMovie for iOS
“T” mark on the left of a timeline means the videoclip has a caption.
Tap the Done button on the upper left to finish edit.



  1. この記事へのコメントはありません。

  1. この記事へのトラックバックはありません。
