change the title of a video by iMovie for iOS

change the title of a video by iMovie for iOS0
When you make a video on iMovie, the title of it is automatically named such as “My Movie XX”.
If there are a few videos, you don’t have any problem.
But if you make many videos, sometimes you may feel inconvenience.
These thumbnails are similar, so I can’t remember the contents quickly.
But changing a title makes you to identify each videos easily.
So in this article I’ll tell you how to change a title on iMovie.

change the title of a video by iMovie for iOS1
Tap a thumbnail of the video that you want to change the title.

change the title of a video by iMovie for iOS2
Tap the title.

change the title of a video by iMovie for iOS3
You can input texts.

change the title of a video by iMovie for iOS4
Tap done when you finish texting.

change the title of a video by iMovie for iOS5
Changing title has finished.



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